1 | Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) |
故障接口插不插网线指示灯都为 桔红色,查看接口状态为
1 | #sh interfaces status |
2 | Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type |
3 | Gi1/0/48 err-disabled 1 auto auto 10/100/1000BaseTX |
01 | 查看err-disable原因 |
02 | #show interface status err-disable |
03 |
04 | Port Name Status Reason Err-disabled Vlans |
05 | Gi1 /0/48 err-disabled loopback |
06 |
07 | loopback,看来是环路了 |
08 |
09 | #看看具体配置 |
10 |
11 | #查看针对哪些功能开启了err检测 |
12 | #sh errdisable detect |
13 | ErrDisable Reason Detection Mode |
14 | ----------------- --------- ---- |
15 | arp-inspection Enabled port |
16 | bpduguard Enabled port |
17 | channel-misconfig (STP) Enabled port |
18 | community-limit Enabled port |
19 | dhcp-rate-limit Enabled port |
20 | dtp-flap Enabled port |
21 | gbic-invalid Enabled port |
22 | inline-power Enabled port |
23 | invalid-policy Enabled port |
24 | l2ptguard Enabled port |
25 | link-flap Enabled port |
26 | loopback Enabled port |
27 | lsgroup Enabled port |
28 | mac-limit Enabled port |
29 | pagp-flap Enabled port |
30 | port-mode-failure Enabled port |
31 | pppoe-ia-rate-limit Enabled port |
32 | psecure-violation Enabled port /vlan |
33 | security-violation Enabled port |
34 | sfp-config-mismatch Enabled port |
35 | small-frame Enabled port |
36 | storm-control Enabled port |
37 | udld Enabled port |
38 | vmps Enabled port |
39 |
40 | #检测到err后是否重启接口,重启接口的间隔时间是多少 |
41 | #sh errdisable recovery |
42 | ErrDisable Reason Timer Status |
43 | ----------------- -------------- |
44 | arp-inspection Disabled |
45 | bpduguard Disabled |
46 | channel-misconfig (STP) Disabled |
47 | dhcp-rate-limit Disabled |
48 | dtp-flap Disabled |
49 | gbic-invalid Disabled |
50 | inline-power Disabled |
51 | l2ptguard Disabled |
52 | link-flap Disabled |
53 | mac-limit Disabled |
54 | loopback Disabled |
55 | pagp-flap Disabled |
56 | port-mode-failure Disabled |
57 | pppoe-ia-rate-limit Disabled |
58 | psecure-violation Disabled |
59 | security-violation Disabled |
60 | sfp-config-mismatch Disabled |
61 | small-frame Disabled |
62 | storm-control Disabled |
63 | udld Disabled |
64 | vmps Disabled |
65 |
66 | Timer interval: 300 seconds |
67 |
68 | Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout: |
1 | #关闭再打开接口就行了 |
2 | #interface Gi1/0/48 |
3 | #shutdown |
4 | #no shutdown |